About Gencat

Gencat are a leading provider of support services to companies engaged in road transport and commercial vehicle drivers working in the sector. Gencat Provide:
  • Road Transport Regulatory Compliance & Consultancy
  • Fleet Performance and Driver Behaviour Support
  • Commercial Vehicle Driver Contract Hire & Recruitment
  • Commercial Road Transport Project Solutions
Operating in North America, Asia and Europe, Gencat continue to grow and deliver value added services for our clients. A very knowledgeable and experienced management team have been the key drivers in the growth of the company. Investing in creating content and a learning management system has had a very significant impact on the direction that the business has taken over the past fifteen years. Today Gencat are involved in the development of enhanced vehicle data capture and analysis. We have developed a partnership with a leading hardware manufacture and work with many telematic systems and advanced vehicle driver aids. Along with the continual introduction of regulations and their subsequent amendments we have grown to understand and contribute to the creation of the legislation surrounding commercial road transport sector in Europe. Because of our work in Asia and North America we have had the unique opportunity of understanding other cultures and experiencing best practice in their jurisdictions. We have created some very useful content around CDL employer compliance. We will continue to expand our service offering in North America.

Meet the People

Managing Director
Siobhan O’Mara

Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Hurley

Transportation Manager
Andy Slane

Operations Director
Barry Lyons

Safety Advisor
Eamon McEvoy

Memberships and Associations